5 Myths of Estate Planning

Myth 1: I know probate is bad, but I’ve got a will so I’m covered. Probate is the legal procedure that assets of a deceased person goes through before being distributed to their family and other heirs. Probate costs a lot of money, takes a long time, and is a huge headache of red tape […]

Don’t Leave for Spring Break Vacation Without This!

You do not currently have a featured image set for this post. To set your featured image, click on the circular Meta View button and set your image in the box on the bottom right. An introductory paragraph in Heading 4 Text. You can change the type of text within the Text Sprout text editor […]

Estate Planning for Pets

Are you a pet owner? If so, it is important to consider adding a pet provision to your estate plan so that your pet can be cared for in case of your death or incapacity.


You do not currently have a featured image set for this post. To set your featured image, click on the circular Meta View button and set your image in the box on the bottom right. An introductory paragraph in Heading 4 Text. You can change the type of text within the Text Sprout text editor […]